Signup initiated by advisor

On the dashboard, in the quick action section click on Add New Client.

Enter Name, Phone Number and PAN number of the client

Then click on Send Approval via SMS/Email

An Approval link will be then sent to the client’s mobile number via SMS or to the respective email ID.

On clicking the link, the client will be taken to the page where he/she can approve the link, download / open the app and complete the ONE-TIME ACTIVATION PROCESS. 

Please Note :-

  • Once the Signup is completed the client has been onboarded, however not ready to invest.

  • On the Dashboard client view will be reflected as empty.

  • Only unique contact numbers will be required for account opening. Multiple accounts cannot be created with same contact number.

  •  At this point, the client has only provided their name and phone number. To be able to invest, he/she needs to provide additional information like PAN Details, Bank Account Details, Address, etc. These details are to be provided during a one-time Activation process.