
Before activation, please make sure the client has completed signup and is able to login to the client app.

Step 1: Pre-fill some information for the client

If you don't have any activation details of the client, skip to Step 2.

If you have some details of the client, then you can pre-fill that for the client. This will make it easy for your client during Step 2.

Open dashboard, and search for the client on the home page and click to open the client panel. On the panel, click on the last tab labelled Documents.

Here you can enter whatever details you already have about the client and click on Save Data.

Step 2: Client enters the required info 

Ask the client to launch the app/website -> Go to ☰ Menu -> Activate Account

The client then enters the required information as shown below

Name as on PAN Card : Minor's name

The Tax Status needs to be selected as on behalf of minor.


Please ensure 

  1. The bank account should be in the name of minor under the guardian

  2. The Guardian's name present in the bank account should be the same as that mentioned in our app for account activation  

After entering all the details, the client needs to sign on the screen and submit.

On the dashboard, the client will now reflect as Under process, meaning the client has submitted activation details: .

No further action is required from your end or the client's end.

Step 3: Document verification by AssetPlus

Our team will verify the details of the client and approve the activation. The bank proof is also verified by BSE. This usually takes 1 working day.

On the dashboard, the client will now reflect as Activated, meaning the client is now ready to invest:

After this, the client is ready to make any transaction on the AssetPlus platform.

Please note:

The system will not approve the activation in the following cases:

  • Incomplete or Old KYC
    KYC is a mandatory requirement for investing in mutual funds/stocks in India. The guardian needs to complete KYC before his account can be activated. If the client does not have a valid KYC, the system will not approve the activation. After his KYC is done, activation will be approved.
  • Bank account not in Minor's name
    It is mandatory that the bank account is in the name of the minor. In the case of a joint bank account, the joint holder needs to be the guardian. No third person is allowed.